Don Jon (2013) Online-Streaming-

 on Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015  

Gordon-Levitt keeps things riotous for the film's first hour, and if he eases into an ending that's a little Hollywood-standard, after having so much fun tweaking form and content, I'm guessing audiences will cut him some slack.. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a dog-frequency movie: enjoyable only to those tuned in to its particular register.. By the time Jon learns that "you have to lose yourself in another person" (a nice turn of phrase), it's too late for us to lose ourselves in the movie. "D...


Don Jon (2013) Online-Streaming- 4.5 5 paiman Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015 Gordon-Levitt keeps things riotous for the film's first hour, and if he eases into an ending that's a little Hollywood-standard, aft...

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