Across the Universe (2007) Download Film

 on Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015  

Baena co-wrote "I Heart Huckabees" and while he has a sense of humor, the jokes here tend to be meager and tend to dribble on.. . The screenplay is awful, the direction is bland and the performances are beyond redemption.. Here's a romantic comedy that is goofy, highly implausible, sometimes over the top, often in bad taste, and resolutely empty-headed. In short, it's the best example of its genre to appear on the screen this year.. For an idea of the level of wit, several gags are built around ...


Across the Universe (2007) Download Film 4.5 5 paiman Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015 Baena co-wrote "I Heart Huckabees" and while he has a sense of humor, the jokes here tend to be meager and tend to dribble on.. . ...

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