Verwünscht (2007) Film Abspielen

 on Senin, 21 September 2015  

Enchanted isn't just a culture-clash fable, it's also a throwback to one of classic Hollywood's giddiest genres: the screwball comedy.. Happily, the leads carry the day: James Marsden as a prince of grinning vanity, Susan Sarandon as the wicked stepmother, and, above all, Amy Adams, who, in the role of a would-be princess, finds true momentum, not just sappiness, in the farce of innocence.. Though the film is full of allusions to the Disney canon, they are generally unobtrusive echoes rather tha...


Verwünscht (2007) Film Abspielen 4.5 5 paiman Senin, 21 September 2015 Enchanted isn't just a culture-clash fable, it's also a throwback to one of classic Hollywood's giddiest genres: the screwball c...

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