Tage am Strand (2013) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-

 on Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015  

A lot rides on coincidence. Or fate. Or the magic pull of the moon. It all makes sense in the end.. . Pretty darn good, despite its smarty-pants aura.. It's a hall of mirrors, this flick -- every one of them pretentious.. Outre love stories are great, as are love stories that make viewers squirm. But they have to ring true emotionally, and despite its talented cast, Adore does not.. . This isn't an Oedipus complex. This is a Preposterous complex.. I have no idea why such strapping young men woul...


Tage am Strand (2013) Wiedergabe Von Streaming- 4.5 5 paiman Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015 A lot rides on coincidence. Or fate. Or the magic pull of the moon. It all makes sense in the end.. . Pretty darn good, despite its smarty-p...

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